
Guess the Tridion Blogger

For an SDL CMT WCM knowledge sharing event I presented on the Tridion community (of course!). Tired of explaining the “why” behind sharing, I asked my colleagues for help before the presentation with these questions:
  • Why did you start blogging?
  • What was the hardest part?
  • What do you like the best?
And "Any other thoughts, questions, or feedback on blogging and the SDL Tridion technical community?"

In summary my peers responded:
  • The top reason was to share and contribute, to help others. In second place was, “because Alvin told me too.”
  • The hardest part was starting, finding good topics, and finding motivation and/or time. Though we should keep our audience in mind, it’s paradoxically easiest when we share what’s important to us, not worrying about the audience.
  • The best part for most of my colleagues was seeing how their contributions were actually used and referenced.
Responses also focused on the people aspect of sharing with themes on respect, learning from each other, earned prestige, and of course, beer... I mean meeting new friends.

No time? To address the lack of time and challenge in finding topics, I just offered: “Raise your hand if you were asked a question in the last week or so.” I then asked how often we answer the same questions over and over. These answers would make good topics to share—you’ve already done the thinking and writing, just remove sensitive details. You don’t even need to give away everything.

If you’re still looking for topics, see what SDL sharers have blogged about (Tag Clouds via See if you can guess who’s who by the terms alone. ;-)

Update: some I missed.

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