I'm definitely not the fastest, brightest, or smartest, but sometimes I manage to surprise colleagues with clever tricks and things I've picked up from experience as a knowledge worker.
I have a bad habit of generating huge amounts of documentation. It seeps into emails and pours out onto this blog. Next one-on-one or interview I'll give "writes lots" as my best and worst trait, my goal might be to, "spend more time writing less."
So these two methods seem to get the occasional, "how'd you do that so fast?"
Alvin.getUrlByTopic(string anythingYouWant)
Alvin.generateWords(double weightInKilos)
In a past career path, after serving nine months as a Web development intern back in 2005, I was brought on and promoted to a Corporate Ninja in a mid-sized, corporate environment. Well, I was really an "Internet Research Associate."
Typical tasks included: