
Happy Thanksgiving

In light of this US-based Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to express my gratitude for my family, peers, and my dozen readers.


Thanks to the wife (my "baby sugar mama significant other" or BSMSO) for being an awesome partner and wonderful mother to our precocious big-little girl (and I thought I was a handful). From encouraging me to apply for my first technical job to giving me the okay to apply for my last one, I owe so much for BSMSO's support, love, and teasing. I lucked out somehow winning the heart of the hottest video-game playing girl at school (now, can I get Skyrim back please? Someone buy this woman an Xbox!).

Thanks to the family that followed us up to the Bay Area and to the grandparents we've left behind (who make us feel like royalty when we visit).

By the way, if anyone knows of job opportunities or connections in, or around, San Jose for part-or-full-time academic counseling, case management, or project coordination type work, please let my younger, yet more mature, sister know. I'm also trying to convince her of the power of social media and that she might even do okay following her creative side (which includes creative fan-fiction writing and photography). </personal plug>

Work and Friends

I'm grateful to my current and past peers for letting me join the fun, challenging me with the toughest questions, and for old and new friendships. When I talk highly of organizations I've worked with, I really mean the individuals I've worked with (and when I talk crap I really mean the mean, bad companies and evil departments).


If you're reading this, you've either followed me from a past connection or hopefully found something I've written interesting, amusing, or maybe annoyingly wrong. Thanks for reading and being one of my dozen readers. I owe a huge thanks to several layers of participants, technology, and past events, but admit it's the simple interactions, occasional "good jobs," and ability to get/give help that make this type of creatively-technical-can't-shut-this-guy-up writing worth it.

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